Your Idea of Bihar

A collective response by change makers, the believers, and the doers, inspiring each other , in the pursuit of a dream, that of a developed Bihar!

‘Your Idea of Bihar’ is the first publication by the Bihar Development Collective to share the vision of Bihar by the entrepreneurs and well wishers of Bihar.

The book was launched publicly by Jacqueline Novogratz, the CEO of Acumen on the 28th of June 2022.

It is available for prints on order basis.

In the words of Jacqueline on the Bihar Development Collective,, speaking at the Your Idea of Bihar book launch: 

“In this moment of history when we are all dealing with so much complexity, we have to have humility in knowing we can’t solve big problems alone. It was thrilling to hear the stories of Fellows from Acumen Academy India and TFIx, who started a collective of organisations working to solve problems in Bihar. That small initial group has grown to 47 organisations that are focused on expanding impact and shifting the narrative of the state. We so often focus on the negative but this group will instead show what is possible, celebrate the different communities and prove that compassion, creativity and collaboration can conquer complacency and cynicism. And I am all for it. “


The book is available for purchase for Rs 699 (inclusive of shipping). Please send an email to regarding the same.

Snapshots from the book